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Something struck me last week as i was breaking my diet plan at the mall stuffing my face with some freshly made Cinnamon sugar pretzel bites from Aunty Annies. Even as a thirty-year-old, father of four and husband of one lol I realized after all these years I still loved my Pacifier from when I was a baby. Just hear me out before you throw the wierdo tag on me...... I was having a pretty stress filled day last week that started as soon as I woke up to take my kids to summer camp in the morning. I woke up late so i had no time to make their lunches or give them breakfast for that matter so I'm automatically rushing to get them dressed and the whole 9. After I finally get them to their destination, I have a flat on my vehicle on the highway and ended up being late to work because of it, on a day that I was supposed to be training someone. I could bore you with the rest of the mundane mishaps that took place, but I'll spare you this time, just know that my day ended up sucking so bad that on the way home although I knew my diet placed a clear restriction on eating a sugary high calorie snack, I found myself enjoying it anyway.......and I enjoyed every bite!

It wasn't long after I finished however that I begin to get upset at myself for cheating on my diet and not only that, my stomach let me know it disapproved of my decision as well. What does this have to do with me as grown man loving my pacifier? Easy, think about it, a baby who's upset over something is usually able to be soothed with this small little object called a pacifier. I've seen it firsthand with every one of my children, they could be screaming bloody murder at the top of their little lungs but for some weird reason when i would give them their pacifier it was as if Jesus himself entered the room and said PEACE BE STILL! and boom just like that the tears would stop, and the screams would cease. In this way their proved to be major benefits of keeping a Pacy close by wherever we went as a family just in case one of the kids erupted. The downside however was that the Pacifier could never keep them quiet for good, especially if my kids were hungry, they could be quieted and comforted for a moment but ultimately unless I gave them food to satisfy their hunger all the pacifier did was make them feel good for a moment.


In that mall that day I realized I was soothing myself by cheating on my diet. Inside I was crying just like a baby would because I had a tough day, and my answer was to give myself something I honestly knew wouldn't satisfy me but rather just comfort me for a moment. Again, after I finished with my Pacy I was upset again and even more so because I was mad at myself. Now this is a kind of lighthearted case but how many of us are pacifying ourselves with sexual immorality as we cheat on our spouses? how many of us soothe our pain with porn or drugs and alcohol? No need to feel embarrassed because i believe we all have at some point. Anything that we run to only to give us temporary comfort for a problem is vanity in the end. It leaves us in a maze of unfulfillment, discouragement, and disillusionment.

Seek Satsifaction In God

instead of pacifying our pain we need to seek the Lord that he might satisfy our deepest longings. The first step in victory is acknowledging the issue and humbly bring it to God whatever it might be. The scriptures state in Pslams 16:11

You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.

the pleasure your soul thirst for is found in the Prescence of God! make it your goal to encounter him on a daily basis, whether good days or bad days lie ahead, after making it your lifestyle to live in the Prescence of God you'll find that nothing in this world can fill you like he can, give you peace like he can and give you life like he can!!

I love y'all

written by Jalen Perkins

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Followers of Christ today are called Christians around the world, and Christianity is the largest religion on the earth with over 2.4 billion people claiming to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ! That's about 31.2 percent of the world's population!! Now this would be absolutely amazing if only it were true. I'm not attempting to sound arrogant or conceded, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that although billions profess to be followers of Christ, by the looks of the world around us something must be off. Again, the followers of Christ are called Christians and many proudly wear this title, however in the scriptures time and time again we see the followers of the Lord referred to as " Disciples" more times than not, so i think it'd be wise to investigate what a disciple really is.

I'll start by turning our attention to one of my favorite shows growing up which was the " Avatar the Last Airbender" i was captivated by the story line of this show as a kid, the world had four nations, Earth, Fire, Water and Air and there were benders in each of these nations that lived in harmony with one another. As the intro to the show famously says " everything changed when the fire nation attacked" the members of the Fire nation threw the world out of balance by seeking to become supreme over the others by destroying them and subjugating the world under its power. The Avatar was the only hope for the world, being that he alone had the ability to master all 4 elements (Water, Air, Fire, earth) and defeat the fire lord in battle restoring peace and balance to the world.

The only problem was the avatar was a 12-year-old kid from the air nation who only knew how to air bend (Long Story) The shows plot takes the viewer on the life changing journey of Aang the Last air Bender and his mission of learning all the elements as he studied under the various masters that he might become a master himself and fulfill his destiny!

Now how on God's green earth does this Nickelodeon kids show illustrate for us what discipleship looks like for a follower of Jesus? Easy, let's look at Luke chapter 6:40

you see, Christ called us to be disciples, and the word for disciple literally means "Student" one who learns/ an apprentice. The passage says that everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher! As we know, the Lord Jesus initially called twelve men to follow him closely and learn from him as they did life with him on a very personal level. His own attributes of love, servanthood, sacrifice and self-control he desired for them to learn from him, not just for learning's sake, but so that they would adopt these virtues as their own and be like him, and as they became more like him, they would touch the world in an amazing way. It would be a waste of his time and energy if after spending three and a half years with them, the disciples remained the exact same as when he called them to follow him initially. In the Avatar series, we see Aang struggle to learn the elements, it took hard work, it demanded hours of training, getting up early, studying late and sometimes even fighting the enemy head on which we can call on the job training. Aang had great teachers along the way, he learned from the best masters in each of the respective nations, and by the end of the show after his intense training he became like his master's and fulfilled his destiny as the Avtar.

Is it possible that the world looks like it does, engulfed in sin, chaos and decay because the masses although professing to be Christians have failed to be disciples? If 2.4 billion people around the world were students of Christ learning from him and not only learning but conforming to his ways in every area of life, this world would then look more like Jesus! We need more disciples! We need more men and women who aren't interested in checking off a religious box or joining a denomination, but interested in following the son of God, learning from him and ultimately becoming as he is. Then and only then will we see authentic change in the world.

Jesus gives us the answer as to why many elect either not to follow him at all or follow him halfheartedly only, he says in Matthew 16:24

" Then Jesus said to his disciples, if anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"

This isn't signing up for the country club ladies and gentlemen, it's not easy to deny ourselves and embrace sacrifice, servanthood and a road filled with hardship and self-denial.......he never promised it would be easy but WORTH IT! he promises abundant life, eternal life and peace forevermore for those who lose their lives for his sake, and although some will indeed be called to lose their physical lives for his glory, all of us have been asked to lay down control of our lives for him. On the contrary, to those who pass on discipleship to instead gain the world and the vanity it has to offer, he promises a loss of genuine life, condemnation and judgement. I pray today that we count the cost and use wisdom and CHOOSE CHRIST and by doing so choose the authentic life that proceeds from Him as well.

I love y'all!

written by Jalen Perkins, Author, hip hop Artist, youth minister

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"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat it's fruit"- Proverbs 18:21

I used to hear this particular proverb all the time as a kid but i never really took the time to understand it until now. We all have heard the popular saying usually used to encourage a young person when being verbally abused to remain strong. The old saying is " Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" As a young person i would whisper this in my head when being bullied or verbally abused at school or in the neighborhood, i wanted to believe every word of it, but as time went on i learned the hard way that no matter how much of a poker face I attempted to have in the midst of being made fun of, hurtful and sometimes hateful words had the ability to penetrate deep into my heart and lodge themselves into my mind causing great harm. Insecurities were born because of words, tears were spilled because of words and fear and intimidation were experienced because of words, the popular cliche proved to be false.

The writer of Proverbs 18:21 says that Life and death themselves are in the power of the tongue but how you might ask? let's take a closer look

#1- Every word that comes from a person's mouth is a seed sown in the garden of opportunity!

When words come out of our mouths, they have to land somewhere! we release them from our mouth and they then travel to the ears of HEARERS as well as listeners, but they don't stop in the ears, they proceed to take root in the mind of a person. The mind of a newborn baby is fertile ground, the opportunities for abundant life are endless.

#2 Positive words are healthy seeds!

When a kid hears from the womb that they are loved, appreciated, and special, those seeds grow to become trees of dignity, self-worth and Honor! When you release life from your lips, life takes root in the hearers' ears, and it yields life in return. This isn't some mystical/mysterious law of attraction or manifesting type of thing either. God has set up a simple principle in this world called the laws of Sowing and reaping. Everyone who speaks can be considered farmers and when we decide to plant positive words, or words that God has spoken concerning our lives and the lives of others, we're setting the stage to reap a wonderful, desirable harvest.

#3 Negative words are unhealthy weeds

One definition of weeds is the " Unwanted plants that grow in the garden or fields of crops and prevent the growth of desirable plants"

having stated this, let's take the same example from my second point and say that a child from the womb continuously heard that they were undesired, worthless, hated and tolerated only. what would grow would then be weeds, these unwanted plants would spread in the garden of endless opportunities and literally prevent the growth of the desirable plants. A child who becomes the victim of these dreaded weeds would struggle with acceptance, esteem and value, and would live their lives searching tirelessly to fill these voids knowingly or unknowingly.

The bottom line...

no matter how you slice it, the words you say will either lead to life or death! People have killed themselves over a word that was said and in the same token people have refrained from taking their lives over a word that was said to them. To drive the importance of our words I'll leave you with the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:36-37 where he says

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words, you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

let's change the way we talk! but it's not going to be possible without changing what's in our heart, because our words flow from the heart. Ask God to transform you and renew you by his spirit, feeling you with all of his goodness and from that place only will your words be fruitful and lifegiving like they were intended to be........I love you all God bless!

Written by Jalen Perkins

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